Episode 287: That's My Tale of Woe


Recorded on May 28, 2024

Book talk begins at 22:55


Our Summer Tops KAL is almost over, going until to June 1, 2024.  Prizes winners will be announced in Episode 288!

Our next KAL will be our annual Mother Bear KAL.  

DATES:  6/1/24 - 8/31/24

To find out all about this wonderful charity, please go to Mother Bear Project website.  Talk bears with us in the Mother Bear Chatter thread and post your finished bears in the FOs thread.  

Tracie and Barb had a discussion about the excellent YouTube video that Susan B. Anderson made showing how she embroiders faces on toys:

 Every Saturday at noon Pacific time - Virtual Knitting Group via Zoom


Tracie will be at:


Barb Finished:

  • Mother Bears # 292 & #293
  • Bankhead Hats #28 & #29
    Barb's Bankhead hats

Tracie finished:

  • Mother Bears #321 - 323
  • Dream in Blue Cardigan by Drops Design in pink and mint acrylic scraps
  • Elorie by Elizabeth Doherty, using Berroco ReMix in the artichoke colorway 
    Tracie's Elorie

    Tracie's Dream in Blue cardigan

Barb is working on:

Barb has cast On:

Tracie continues to work on:

Tracie has cast on:


Barb read:

Tracie read:

Tracie recommends these two videos about what organizing is NOT:

Jordan Theresa: The Cult of Organisation & The Celebrity Kitchen Complex

Hannah Alonzo: The unhinged consumerism of “restock” influencers, so unrealistic!
