Episode 102: Nothing's Wrong with an Eggplant

Recorded on November 12, 2015
Book Talk starts at 35:16

Our Fall Sweater KAL is ongoing until Jan 16.  Post your FO in the FOs thread to be entered to win one of 4 fabulous prize packages that will contain:
  • A 2015 NoCKRs retreat bag
  • A package of Yarn Cozies
  • A sweater’s quantity of yarn (thank you to SandyKnitsSocks!)
  • And more!

Listen all the way to the end of  the podcast to find out if you won:
One of the two project bags donated by Daisy of Art Institchtute of Chicago 
The new pattern  A View from the Charles, designed and donated by Jennifer Lassonde

Tracie and Barb will be at Stitches West  - February 18-21, 2016 in Santa Clara, California.  Come join us in the bar on Saturday afternoon for our meet-up with the Yarniacs and lots of other fun people!

Tracie and Barb will also be at 2 NoCKRs - the 2016 Northern California Knitting Retreat - registration is full.

Barb has finished:

Tracie has finished a lot of hats!

Barb’s Current Knitting Projects: 

And she has cast on:

Tracie is working on:

Barb has finished:

Tracie has finished:

Barb is reading:

Tracie is reading

Barb says thumbs up to Pumpkin Spice cream cheese

Tracie says thumbs up to the Fargo tv series - Season 1 is available on Hulu Plus, and Season 2 is in progress on FX
