Episode 131: You're Not Spending the Mortgage Money

All Our Adventures at Stitches West 2017!

No Book Talk

Franklin Habit’s blog,  The Panopticon
His column on the Skacel website, Fridays with Franklin
Tracie's Big Bang Theory Bag from Front Range Bags

Rainbow Wall at The Mother Bear Project booth

                 Barb's sweater's worth of the Stitches West 2017 Colorway by Inner Yarn Zen.   
She plans to make Meris by Elizabeth Doherty.

Franklin Habit’s I Dream of Yarn

The Stitches West 2017 Colorway in the Pixie base by Dragonfly Fibers
perhaps dyed just for Tracie!

The "wild" colorway Tracie picked to knit Ryan a sweater 
in Hard Twist at Lisa Souza Dyeworks 

Has she gone too far? 
(Update: Ryan likes it.)

Luiseach by Handiworks Ltd 


Barb's little splurge 
(but she's a contributing member of society so who cares)

And a bonus puppy picture because why not?
